Trump As America's Greatest Cultural Expression

Trump just might be American culture’s greatest expression, the manifestation of America’s majority core. He is our false capitalism, he is our no-humanism, he is our hatred and lack of education, he is our debt and our fake profits, he is the skyscraper’s foundation, he is a hotel, a space of transient movement, a lack of place, a human world spinning beyond its spiritual power, not simply aligned with the devil but the devil entirely, inbred progeny and now mission complete. This will not last.

But for the devil to be ousted, for patriarchy to end, and for a new political economic system to thrive, people need to be able to hear multiple voices and decide which ones lead to spiritual truth, on the level of honesty, society and biology. We are the brutal monkey, and right now Americans believe screen heads. Where is this going? Where is this going? Meditate, provide a voice, insistent in the world, demand humanity’s commons.

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