“Suburbia Samurai teaches the lowly newcomer, Humbleplot, and he, small but wise, having mastered other skills in many places, decided to listen, to see if he could do it well.”
Suburbia Samurai walked across the street and knocked. Humbleplot answered. They looked at one another for a moment, neighbors in America. Fist bumped. Then the wise one said, “Days are gardens, hours our harvests. Share the fruit. Tend your gardens of habits, tasks, goals, jobs, family. Elements of our story. Farm the one life, the creation of our effort and our context. For God to know, and others to witness. Where the moment reflects the meaning of all things.”
Suburbia Sensei, master of the lawnmower and snowblower, turned and started to walk away. He paused, and said, “Welcome to the neighborhood. Can’t wait to see where you stand on the school committee.”