Dear Humanity #14 - What Is This Work Shit

Dear Humanity,

I hear that being busy has become a status symbol. Think we should have a walk off the job day, should work less. The status would be not having a job at all being a hobo being vagrants. We shouldn’t work at all why have a system where anyone has a-bustle ‪around 9 to 5 and more wake up hustle-do mindless things don’t read books don’t exercise don’t spend time with our kids just work work work for somebody else’s profit. We shouldn’t have jobs we should just sit around. Dearest Humanity, what is this work shit? We should have an International Walk Off the Job Day. What would happen then, Humanity? What would happen to skyscrapers if nobody worked? Another way to look at it, Humanity, is that we the people build the skyscrapers and the banks and the factories and the wealth. And we deserve more of it. The cities ours the farms the parks the nature preserves the dams the insurance companies the automobile groups the petroleum conglomerates -  they are all ours. Our bodies and our beating hearts, the blood of the people.

Idleness and poetry and love and music and walking - these are God not work. The Puritans had it wrong, Calvinists had it wrong, the Ethic had it wrong. God hates hoarding money, and condemns us for it. We’re meant to just sit around and play the flute. Not create wealth and profit and hide it and keep it for ourselves and allow people to starve and die in puddles of mud and filth. This is not real life, our systems today.

Please gut-check your souls, Humanity.


Yours in The Fuh,

Precarious Birch

White and Black Lines from Heaven to Hell.jpg