Dear Humanity #13 - Alleviate Suffering as the Reason

Dear Humanity,

As a birch germinated on a cliff with four of nine lives lost, it’s my duty to implore you with everything I have. Your core goal, your first order of business, your primary reason for existence should be to alleviate suffering everywhere.

That’s it. No feverish profit motive, entertainments far down the list, disappear GDP tabulations aggregated with every other nation on the planet, scrambling within the total-growth paradigm. No Zuckerberg $60-million estate on Lake Tahoe and his annual security budget; no choreographed Big Tech announcements in tight T-shirts with microphones along cheeks, looking so dope. Vanish multimillionaire mega-church preachers.

The organized total focus of Humanity must be to alleviate suffering - the objective of your actuality, the power of your daily hour, the essence of Homo sapiens. The fact that you don’t foreground this project shocks all living creatures. The reality that any human child, with a soul, with thoughts and a heart, pain and fear, survives on an urban trash heap proves without equivocation your narcissistic positionality, your spirit’s center, your culpability. You are failing the world, Humanity.

You are flailing.

Please understand our urgency. And act.

Stop ghosting the problems of your own creation.

Thanks again for your time and consideration.


Precarious Birch (thriving with this cliff view over the sea, roots stretching behind me, gripping rock madly in storms, hourly peering down recognizing my fate)

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