The Idea Emancipator

Or Trapped Idea and Free Idea.

How do you free the idea from the body? Let’s lose our bodies first. But we never really lose our bodies. Still there, sunken into bed, floor, flat into curved earth. Feel the planet’s immensity, know its weight and density, and there you’ll see gravity, the why of, the way it. While here, your body never goes away, though forgotten for a while. But what of the idea?
Idea arises in the mind, an organic brain in a skull on a neck body a real living entity. Does the idea exist without the body? No.

No. The idea is contained within the body, trapped. How can we free the thought? We free thoughts by sharing them. Emancipate thoughts sending them into the world, speaking them, singing them, writing down them, institutionalizing them, providing power beyond origins. Thoughts leave our bodies and enter the social universe. They become their own thing. Others interpret, add to them, trash them, incorporate for themselves them. Imagine the word expressed, out there, out already. But of the eight billion some like, some don’t, some love, some positive, some hate, negative along a range. Wary reacting to either side or any. Be the body that throws out the idea and observes happens, unattached to good bad, up down, watching reaction and response, seeing Event created, uncommitted to praise or rejection. Set the idea free, let it live. The person who sets ideas free.

The person who releases imagination. The idea emancipator, explodes into worlds. Living the circle, all-knowing idea’s life, nodding with love for negative and nodding with love positive, acknowledging both, curious how the All-Mind works. Manifest the body that avoids reacting to responses. Removed from the freed idea, step-back, observer now, allowing flow work gravity’s impression and beyond into orbit. A body has a body but an idea escapes into existence, into hearts, sharing understanding of the common. Our core love holds us together, life free based in love. Realize divine materiality, sharing ideas like flowers. Out there for the world, we see, we see.
Shhh . . . I’m expressing myself. Shhh . . . We’re expressing ourselves.
In the darkness for the first time in months growth obscures sky, blossoms and infant leaves, time-lapsing in front of me, airplane emerges from clouds landing gear distended, this one howls, eyes closed body gone we were sure tigers roared. But didn’t flinch in front of the largest cat. Guttural growls arrive from the center of worlds.
8 Billion
There are eight billion people on the planet. Surely you’ll connect with a few. Definitely voice touch at least one and one million, who acknowledge what you see. They’ll see it, too, already knowing the thing, another connection made, contribution to the All-Mind. Absolutely, expressly, somebody hears the voice. Of the eight billion. Swim in the sea of eight billion. Humanity universal We.

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