We Are Cosmologists

I suppose you’re right, you might be insane, even a buffoon, when riding your front edge like that. The way you do. Performance levels. Insane, out there, on that. You’re right. We might all be, those who stand before you, total cray on our own personal madness fly. True all dat. But if you see the Thing, and live the thing while mastering the thing, then material existence merges with vision. Imagine the possibilities of vibe-sync, of seeing-knowing the All-Dope. Hahahahaha! You’re going to ride with those, all of them. Bug the story.

Here’s why: Because they are God, Allah, and the Sun; the Interpretation, Humanity, and Earth - concepts of the Only Thing. The Mono-Dopely. The Standing Only. The Ocean Fondly. The Wily Flying Owl Sky. Orion Travels. Beating Heart. Honest Blood. Family. Food. Water. Shelter. Survival. Idea. Idol. Totem. Mantra. Prayer. Poem. Pagan. Zitkala-Sa. Believe in Jah sang Big Youth to an 11-year-old boy returning from his game. And it’s this, or that, under or over, but the All-Thing lives within us, and stands breathing the All-Mind. The only thing we know.

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Rabindranath Tagore saw and rapped for us repeatedly. So bring us Love. The True-Energy, even Hegel’s Spirit because he noticed dialectic but also circularity. The One resulting from tension and balance. Never just Body-Mind, rather both infused simultaneously with Spirit, an energy so real that it is the Energy. For us there is the circle, the one. Our Mono Human belief totality. Which creates the All-Seeing, rocking the mic for no reason, Kanye, Beyonce and Kendrick. How a person stands at a microphone with the Creation Learned. Imagine teaching yourself that creation. Imagine teaching yourself anything. So grab the mic, your own damn, and offer Voice. The Experiment, an adventure, walking one breath because presence sings in your heart.

Many listen to the men and women who teach Radical Love. Yes, Cornel West one of them. Throw it, James Baldwin. Throw it. Bob Marley. Throw it - the Voice. Our heartbeats, W.E.B. Du Bois - my goodness read Black Reconstruction with a knowing mind. See what he saw and why. Know what he knew and why, why he did and why you should. Best lines ever. And he hit hard, required to live what he saw, required to express the God-Voice.

Flow combines luck and skill along with something else, the place where they converge. There, you’re with the gift we possess, and you breathe alive. That’s not what I’m saying, that’s what The Unknowable declares to us in our own way. We all see God, and with that God lives a Story. And that Story, for a people, becomes the Word. Truthfully, biochemically and neurologically how you wish, the only way. Which finally makes us one Humanity. Because we pray to a force that exists as Idea, learned, understood and at last acted upon. We pray to The Story that contains the force of that narrative. Humans committed do powerful things.

Cosmology works for everyone, even atheists with their particular faith version, and begs our action because we say it so. For no other reason. We believe it, make it real through thought-to-action, and then it’s out there, Real in the world. We labor for the divine. We tap into the force that existed before us and which we hardly comprehend. But we give It a Name anyway, an Idea for all-ness, an Ideal Story for a people. We are cosmologists.

We see one another. Sometimes we connect. Other times we don’t, and there remains madness. Many have demonstrated how to live the Idea of radical love and absorb what happens. Knowing the power of the all-seeing mind set alive through sentience. Gonna have to read Hegel again, just to dig his Story. Bug the story. Going to read Wollstonecraft next iteration of the subject versus the state, and Civilization and Its Discontents for the Mind Vision of a particular existence. And we dream the same for our one life. Onward, onward friends, driving your front edge, alive.