The Human Voice

Is that cultural appropriation?

Well, sure, all of that, but we hear the human voice. Sharing universal lives, songs, spirituality, gods. Witnessing fulfilled visions of belief. Body meets mind meets spirit meets spine. Efforts in clay for the divine. Idea. We listen to communal contributions. We know expression, love spirit culture, and journey to the same place from the same place. Every speaks the All-Mind. Listen to one another. Hear what we, as totality, say about life, struggle, miracle. Look upon our children and dream; care for their common. Where we are now. There is no not-connected, no disunity, no conversation missing any corner of the world. We know what the other thinks and says; we comprehend faith, trouble, custom. We hear because we converse within the All-Mind. We are our construction. Our beauty, listening to the human voice.

What might terrorists tell us? What if they’re right, at the thought-belief point of existence? Violence against others as the action of belief a sin to man, to God, to Idea. But what if their core idea we should understand? Is there equilibrium, disputes settled, a place where common agreement exists? Global conversations balance forces of life with dangers to the balance. Listen to the human voice. Quest the core, the god-place of expression, see if we can hear an angel. Ask: What’s the complaint? What’s the life-dedicated line, the Position? Who thinks clearly, who doesn’t? Who possesses the social power to implement ideas? How can people combat ill-formed, ill-born thoughts and who defines what those are? Perhaps refined mediation already exists.

We recognize the place, know zone zero, sanity. Let our beauty speak more than it does, united upon a collective idea. A struggle between Good and Evil, disequilibrium, you can feel it, experience the world. Who guides us to the settlement? Who knows what’s good for humanity, for the planet our home, our minds, bodies, vaccine anti-vacc? Calm.

Dear Humanity, calm. Bring it down, bring it back down, easy people, easy, let’s find the balance. Why you need? What can we do for one another? Softer, softer, that touch, who are we and what are we doing the book. Who are we and what are we doing? This the zone zero, the thing, the voice. Various views of the world, yours. Universal order bring the love the wonder. God complex, one said. There in the front row, actor.

Nah, busy living and dying, version. Don’t worry, we’re checking your bringing, see what you do at the place. Exactly. Just living and dying like the rest of us.

Only employing the tools I have, working now, the current hour. Don’t have another thing. Limited abilities and best abilities, all-balanced propensities, fears braveries, mixing them one. This the thing we; come check out Mind. Just over here super involved with living and dying, beautifully. Very committed to the living and dying thing, superbly. That’s, like, our thing.

The thing that is the thing.

Living and dying. No harm trying. Calm. I see you Humanity, hear you All-Mind, every distinctive fraction. Show me the thing you got going on. Share with us the thing you got going on. Don’t have time later. We rolling with now here this time I got shit else lined up. Hold. Easy. Where you take it? Mightily engaged with the thing we say be living and the evidence of our future dying. Oh, shit! And so maybe, if somebody believes to a degree that shocks we should take it seriously, more spiritually than currently. Guns never the force of love. Imagine that.

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