They coaxed their task-driving mother

They coaxed their task-driving mother from the kitchen and encouraged boots for all and the call was the meadow walk, while young nephew took his nap and presents still wrapped and mother waiting behind. One mentioned new snow arrives on Monday. Jenny’s grandmother died this evening during dinner, on Christmas Day, surrounded by her family, grandma’s son Jenny’s father. She died a day after the nephew and the brother and his wife Jenny visited Virginia Beach, where she at 95 lay dying, and Jenny said that she had a premonition. Nephew runs and wants to walk up and down carpeted stairs without hands. They say she lived a good life had been dying for a while but how do you tend the finality, anyhow, really. Their mother left the kitchen “for a half hour, okay?” and she climbed into heavy clothing and they walked through the woods past wetlands along the periphery of farm fields and homespun lumber, one two and three, the entire length to frozen Lake Metacomet. Returned along opposite sides of each successive field, crunching frozen puddles with heavy boots and he carried home one of the glass pieces, broken from its freezing frame, as an offering, and set it on the deck and nephew when he woke from his nap touched the ice with his finger and laughed along with the rest. Soon as he played with his new puzzles family opened presents till eleven that night.

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