Opened my mouth to swallow the universe

Opened my mouth to swallow the universe and turned inside-out to reveal my guts to the world. Spread wide on the table and opened my ass to give birth to the sun, holding steady fire and power, drawing the rest of you a million miles an hour, whipping a mean scream, creating a fierce wind. Threw my foot and watched it orbit myself. Swam naked toward it and gulped it down whole, removing parts, flicking with my fingers those space-frozen toes. Unveiled my hose and watered the garden, a giant piss, and out flowed the first of many seas. I swam in myself and licked along, omnivorous and strange, assuredly impressed to find you around. Took you inside of me and you ripped open my ribs, vomiting my heart into my hand. We watched it beating, and your smile was a new star, fresh from its awesome explosion and an agonizing pressure that we cannot fathom nor explain. I described it to you and your tongue was mine. We continued to swim, swim, until we found the rest of them. It was fine, there, in the darkness. When our eyes sprouted trees and visions dripped from the leaves, we knew we were stuck beyond time. We were that beginning and that end, and the dust of the infinite present that the rare beast learns we inhabit. Chomped a bite out of Saturn and spit it a bug on the wall, wiped your Milky Way in one swipe with my nipple. We both yawned and out flashed the final ocean, roiling in spins and spawns, trickling.

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