Serious Drugs

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Precarious on the road, nomadic lifestyle some say, dipping daily into non-square behaviors, including experimentation with many substances not advisable for someone aiming to impress Squaredom. In the realm of confessionals - a grand literary and artistic tradition, of course - his relayed by four things. First, sight, or vision. Second, the Idea seen within the thing. Third, capturing and sharing the combination as best Precarious on the cliff can. Fourth, laboring for the divine. As noted elsewhere, means working in the dirt as a serious monkey for the original idea as handed to us from God. Please, open to multiple interpretations, knowing he’s atheist. Mostly Precarious seeks three things on his walkabouts: inspiration, beauty and humor. That’s it! All definitions, of course, according to him. That’s the point, really. Walks the streets with the tools of his trade. Those he already had and found objects. He no longer begs but commands. You try dragging your skin of bones around with everyone looking at you. Or nobody noticing at all the midnight rambles. What possesses a person to walk from here to there? What’s the chemical behind curiosity? Knowing, too, that no matter what you think about yourself he’s the Most Ghosted. Rolling with it, “following the love,” his phrase, he finds the singing voice offered by the spirits of life itself. “Transcribing perception into discourse,” Foucault wrote about the history of languages, the archaeology of knowledge, and the order of things. Adding a voice to the pile, reinterprets Precarious Birch.