Living My Response To Death

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Every line and every sight my response to mortality. Laboring the divine exhibiting appreciation. Planting every season each day the garden. Farming as the first person and like no other. Reading shared words, offered to me particularly, and responding. I believe in all of this. Don’t understand why we mess with destroying the entire thing. With every breath arrives a thought. Searching through tool box for essential words. Possess many of them but not all. Other smiths have more, and are superior with them. Some die young. I’m still here, on the cliff staring down at the surf. My goodness what a view! Rather than fear falling onto those rocks below, mingled with waves, I’ve chosen celebration. Glorious rocks and surf, shatter me and swallow me when it’s my time! I’ll fall as a descending angel, glide like that eagle in the San Juan Islands. I’ll never forget you. Wonder what rebirth smells like. Complete the circle.