Dear Humanity #11 - Funny Critics of Society and Universal Health Care

Dear Humanity,

Please encourage more of the following:

Lenny Bruce was smart enough and hopeful enough and nice enough to be president of the USA. A comedian, imagine that! Volodymyr Zelensky, a Jewish comedian in Ukraine who played a president on TV won the presidency in a landslide. The best part about the event is the “stinging rebuke to a political and business establishment,” a phenomenon that should happen everywhere - toss the oligarchs and their political abettors, especially in the United States. Which brings us to the quickly-arriving 2020 elections. There are eight or ten dozen Democrats running for president. Elizabeth Warren is going all-out with a progressive agenda that many would like to see implemented. The billionaires can remain billionaires, everybody - so chill lying Republicans, you’ll still have your gated communities in Florida and Arizona - but the new system, long in coming, will tax rich people more. As they should be so taxed. Along with universal health care, a civilizational necessity, Warren will axe tuition at public schools and wipe clean most student debt. These are the best ideas ever heard in this land. Not even Eugene Debs popped such brilliance. Please, America, make this happen. And Humanity, as horrified we watch extremists blow up innocents in churches, let’s arrive at a common understanding. Because the current way is not working. Ours is a path to total death. Humbleplot begs you to live, think and dream clean!



Humbleplot Tumbleword
