Dear Humanity #9 - America Is Not White

Dear Humanity,

“America” is not a skin color. You need to know that white people. Must understand this truth, gerrymander experts in North Carolina - members, by the way, of the GOP. Need to know this honest fact, white people living in gated communities in the Southwest surrounded by Color. Need to know that Mr. President USA. Europe is not a skin color. Australia is not a skin color. The UK is not a skin color. Russia is not a skin color. Oh man! That’s right! Humanity is not a skin color. Racism is a fiction created by people who tried to control human bodies, attempted to discipline their economic production while exploiting their cultural production. Racism, as an Ism, has a History. We can solve our problems, Humanity - we possess the intelligence, the insight, the togetherness, and the technology to cover everything, every issue or problem identifiable. If we can connect people for Tinder hookups - gotta release that, right? If we can connect people for rides within the universal Algorithm. Then we can organize food and water distribution, medicine and righteous knowledge. A rebellious Love, a revolutionary Love. So that every single person born anywhere in the world may receive food and shelter, health care and education, no matter where they live or under which political economic and ideological system they survive. We already have the Ideas among us, shared by multitudes, and pockets of healthy resistance to negativity and evil. Now we need to universalize the love and take care of one another.

Thanks for your time and consideration (never write “Best” around me, please),

Precarious Birch

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